How to Remove Bats

How to Remove BatsHow to Remove Bats

Why is a Realtor like Bob Santucci writing about how to remove bats. Because when I had a client discover that there were bats in the roof they thought it was the end of the world. My mother had told me the story of a rabid bat getting into a home once so I lived in fear of them.

I have now learned a lot about the little creatures and they are pretty cool, beneficial and almost never rabid. Do not try to re-home the little creatures during the maternity season.

If you do have bats in any area please consider re-homing them as the only option. First purchase a bat box and install it in the area they are colonizing. Do all that you can to draw them to the new home. The next step is to create a one way door on the bat cave using plastic wrap. Cover the entry and secure the flap on the top and sides so that they can get out but not back in.

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